Ridha Bettaieb is one of Tunisia's pioneering abstract artists, known for his gradual transition from figurative to abstract painting. Over a career spanning three decades, his work evolved from exploring color and form in figurative art to a refined, expressive abstraction that captures the essence of Tunisian landscapes.

Beginning in 1963, Bettaieb’s paintings increasingly emphasized the autonomy of color, particularly the blues and whites that evoke the Mediterranean sky and sea. His shift to abstraction was not a rupture but a natural transformation, layering color and subtle contrasts to suggest elements like the sea and breeze. Despite the two-dimensional nature of his paintings, he created a sense of volume and atmospheric depth through careful color juxtapositions.

From 1987 onward, his work became more geometric and polychromatic, blending architectural elements with fluid, sensorial relationships between colors and forms. His compositions reflect the Mediterranean environment, emphasizing the interplay of light and color to create harmonious, translucent visuals. Bettaieb’s innovative approach and deep sensitivity to his surroundings make his work a unique fusion of abstraction and sensory experience.